Kampot and Svay Rieng provices|June 2023
Result-based M&E (RBME) provides a systematic and evidence-based approach to project implementation, enabling stakeholders to track progress, learn from experiences, make informed decisions, and maximize the project’s impact and sustainability. In this regard, CamboDHRRA cooperated with World Renew to conduct mentoring on RBME practices to Occupation of Rural Economic Development and Agriculture (OREDA) and Khmer Angka for Development of Rural Areas (KADRA) to enhance the effectiveness and quality of M&E practices after participating RBME training. This activity led by Mr. Him Noeun, Secretary General of CamboDHRRA (mentor).
After reflection meeting, the both organizations were well aware about result-based management, M&E tools and how to use them. The reflection also revisited the work plan made during the training. As the result, the both organizations have been improved the tools and practices as set plan. In addition, mentor shared the additional M&E tools, and practical experiences helping both organizations to build a strong foundation in M&E concept, methodologies, data collection instruments and tools to ensure the quality and rigor of M&E activities.
Overall, M&E mentoring contributes to the professional growth, capacity building, and quality assurance of M&E practitioners. It fosters a culture of learning, collaboration, and continuous improvement in M&E practices, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness and impact of monitoring and evaluation efforts.