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Training on Integration of Agroforestry in Family Rubber Plantation

From 25 to 26 July 2024, in collaboration with the Cambodian Rubber Research Institute (CRRI) and SmartAgro Company, CamboDHRRA organized a training session on integrating agroforestry into rubber plantations for [xxx] agricultural cooperatives and their members in Tbong Khmum province. These cooperatives and members are interested in incorporating agroforestry techniques into their rubber plantations. The training was organized under the framework of the “Strengthening Multi-Actor Partnership in Cambodia to Promote a Sustainable Rubber Value Chain (SMART)” project, funded by BMZ through WHH.
The training aimed to:
• Strengthen the capacity of agricultural cooperative leaders and their members by providing knowledge on the concept of agroforestry, its importance, and how to integrate it into family rubber plantations.
• Develop a work plan to implement agroforestry techniques, with a particular focus on cover crops.
Agroforestry is crucial for rubber crops as it helps maintain soil health and moisture. Integrating trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes offers significant benefits for family rubber plantations, enhancing their sustainability, resilience, and economic viability. This practice is invaluable for farmers looking to secure their livelihoods while also contributing to environmental conservation.