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CamboDHRRA participated in virtual 12th AsiaDHRRA’s General Assembly

As member of AsiaDHRRA, CamboDHRRA participated in virtual 12th General Assembly of AsiaDHRRA that held on 07th, 08th and 10th December 2020. There are 6 participants attended the assembly who are Chairman and members of Board of Directors, Secretary General and representative of national farmer organization. CamboDhrra  also shared the accomplishments and milestones to the General Assembly.

The main agendas focused in this year’s GA such as reflection on lessons learned and milestones of the Regional Cooperation to Empower Rural Development Organizations (ReCoERDO) in Asia, its 4-year EU cooperation under the Framework Partnership Agreement, the synthesis of its 4-year programming on Farmers’ Fighting Poverty (FFP) with AgriCord, the milestones of the 2016-2020 Strategic Action Plan and consultation and asking for approval for the 2021-25 Strategic Plan of AsiaDHRRA.

The GA also communicate the results of AsiaDHRRA major programs through impact story harvesting (ISH) both at household and organizational levels.

The GA gathered rural development NGOs (DHRRAs) and partner people’s organizations, also aims to generate inputs related to the drafting of the ASEAN Framework and Action Plan on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication 2021-2025, and the first ASEAN Rural Development Masterplan. AsiaDHRRA is assisting the ASEAN secretariat in this task and key recommendations from CSOs can be considered in t he drafting process.