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CamboDHRRA supports partners in Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation practices

The Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBME) are essential for assessing if a project is successful or not. Monitoring and evaluation are also important to carry out to report on the project impact to stakeholders such as donors, communities, and project partners. Lastly, monitoring and evaluation is needed to understand what works and what does not work in a particular context, to inform and improve the planning of future projects. Monitoring and evaluation, therefore, is a key skill required for development organization personnel.

The Training was last 3 days from 27-29 March 2023 and held at Mulub Svay 99 Restaurant, Phnom Penh. The training facilitated by Mr. Him Noeun, Secretary General of CamboDHRRA as lead trainer and Mr. Som Sopheak, Executive Director of AFD as co-trainer with participation of 15 participants (5 women) who are representation of OREDA, KADRA, FNN, MRO, FAEC, NTFP, READA, CamboDHRRA and World Renew.

The training organized in the objectives of:
• Understand about Result Based Management (RMB) and results chain,
• Clarify what is different between Results chain and Logical Framework Approach (LFA)?
• Understand concept and importance of monitoring and evaluation;
• Identify scopes of monitoring and evaluation.

Expected Training
After the training, the participants will able:
• Understand about Result Based Management (RMB) and results chain,
• Clarify what is different between Results chain and Logical Framework Approach (LFA)?
• Clarify concept and importance of monitoring and evaluation;
• Identify scopes of monitoring and evaluation;
• Clarify foundations for professional monitoring and evaluation;
• Identify activities and develop plan for monitoring and evaluation;
• Define key tools for monitoring and evaluation;
• Clarify how to develop story of change during monitoring and evaluation;
• Clarify steps in conducting monitoring and evaluation